There are many benefits to a mindfulness practice, as we’ve explored in a previous article. But when it comes to your nutrition, how you eat could be just as essential as what you eat. This is where the practice of mindful eating comes into play.


Mindful eating is a mindfulness practice that involves paying attention to the experience of eating food. It helps you to be aware of things such as your experience of food, cravings and the physical cues of hunger and satisfaction.


There are a number of guidelines to follow when you want to experience the benefits of mindful eating.

Firstly, you want to eat slowly and without distraction. That means putting the phone away and leaving the TV off. If it’s meal time with the family, you can still talk about your day. But make sure every mouthful you take is eaten with attention.

As you eat, notice how the food affects you. Notice the presentation of the meal, appreciate the scent, texture and flavour of each mouthful. But also observe how the food affects you emotionally. Does it make you feel happy, or do you feel guilty and anxious about eating that particular food? By noticing this, you can become more aware about how different foods make you feel. 

It’s also important to appreciate your food as you eat it. Many of us get into the habit of resenting stopping to eat food when we’re busy, or don’t appreciate the effort that goes into cooking it. If someone has cooked for you, appreciate their care for you. If you have cooked it for your loved ones, appreciate that you are able to nourish them.

Finally, you want to eat until you are satiated, not overstuffed. Many people who eat without attention can overeat because they miss the physical cues for hunger or lack of hunger. By eating slowly and mindfully, you can learn to eat until you are pleasantly full every time.


Mindful eating might seem like a simple practice, but there are many ways that it can support your health and your relationship with food. 

Many people struggle with weight loss, and most well-known weight loss programs aren’t effective in the long-term. This is because issues such as binge eating, emotional eating and cravings aren’t addressed. Stress is another major factor in the development of overweight and obesity. 

But mindful eating can help to change eating behaviours and reduce stress levels. A number of research studies into mindful eating have found that people can lose a significant amount of weight and maintain that weight loss over time. 

By being aware of how food makes you feel, you are more likely to make healthy choices. You might skip the rich dessert next time because you know it gives you a sore tummy and restless sleep later in the evening. 


You don’t have to practice at every meal from the very beginning. Even just starting with one meal each day can be a good start. Follow the guidelines as closely as you can. If you want to take it up a notch, write a few notes in a journal after each time about what you have learned.

 Want to learn the basics about mindfulness?

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