When was the last time you got a good night of sleep? For many of us, it can be hard to remember the last time we slept deeply and woke up feeling refreshed. But sleep is a pillar of wellbeing. Without good sleep, you cannot be your healthiest self.

Sleep is not just about feeling less tired. During sleep, a lot of essential maintenance takes place throughout the body. Your brain detoxifies all of the build-up from the daytime, flushing it out. Your body focuses on repairing any damage that has occurred during the day – whether it be from injury, illness or just general wear and tear.

But sleep also affects other vital functions such as blood sugar regulation and poor sleep can lead to a host of issues including cravings, poor dietary choices, obesity and even type 2 diabetes. So if you’re not sleeping well, you won’t just feel sleepy. You’ll also feel hungry, crave unhealthy food, struggle to focus on the task at hand, and are more likely to get sick or injured. It’s no wonder why sleep is such as essential pillar for health!


There are a lot of things in the modern world that are working against a good night sleep. But these tips will have you well on your way to a good night of rest.


It’s common to use TV or scrolling through Facebook as a way to unwind for the night. But the blue light that is given off by most electronic devices can interfere with melatonin, your brain’s sleep chemical. 

Avoid using any screens for at least 30 minutes before sleeptime – switch it out for reading or spending time with your partner. If you must use a screen, consider installing a blue light blocking app on your phone or laptop. If TV is not negotiable, you may consider buying blue light blocking glasses to wear in the evening.


Exercise is a healthy addition to anyone’s life. But if you’re hitting the gym at 8pm, you might be sabotaging your sleep. Your body needs time to unwind from intense exercise before it is able to rest deeply.

If you want to move your body before bed, switch intense options for a relaxing yoga session or a walk around the block.


It can be tempting to crank up the heater when the nights are cold or leave the TV on while you sleep, but light and heat can interfere with optimal sleep. The best way to approach your bedroom is to make it like a cave – cool and dark. The ideal temperature range is between 15-19 degrees C. 

To ensure your room is dark, switch off the lights and sit for a few minutes until your eyes adjust to the dark. Can you see the glow of electronic devices or is light streaming through from the streetlamps outside? If so, you might want to block those light sources out.


If you do get cold in the evenings, the best way to warm up is with a warm bath or shower. Afterwards, your body temperature will drop down towards an ideal temperature for sleeping. 

Baths and showers can also be a good way to unwind the mind and calm the nervous system. You can pop a few drops of calming essential oils in the corner of your shower for an aromatherapy shower experience. If a bath is more your style, you can add some magnesium-rich Epsom salts to relax the muscles.


Herbal tea is another tip that has multiple benefits for sleep. Many people feel sleepy after having a warm beverage. But if you choose a sleepy blend tea that contains ingredients like passionflower, chamomile or lavender, it can also calm down your nervous system.


Once you’re in bed, it’s not unusual for the racing thoughts to begin. You’ll often think about what went wrong, what tomorrow brings, and your never-ending to-do list! The good thing is you don’t have to stop these thoughts – you can just shift your attention. 

To do this, all you need to do is breathe deeply, and pay attention to your breath. Try and slow your breath down as much as you can over a few minutes. Then try and maintain the slowness of breath. This is one of my favourite ways to calm the body and drift off to sleep.